
Life as it is...

We forget to take life as it is and instead try to mould life the way we want and feel it should be...

What we do forget is that greater hand above which is always at work and giving us the better and best but in its own time...

We need to remember to have patience and trust for then can we see the true miracles in our everyday life...

And that is,

Ourself :D

Afterall Faith along with Love can move Mountains...

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's been days since i have visited my own blog or even written anything...

Oh! I am working no more as there were some problems with the company.
Nevertheless i am fine & by GOD's GRACE not in a depression...

Its kinda funny that this particular job i didnt enjoy having but continued
on for the sake of Experience & enhancing my Knowlegde & now a month later
i am sitting here because there were problems in the company...

Sometimes things do have a hilarious & a rather shocking turnover...
But what i cherish most is the experiences of life & ideas that maybe only
that particular job might have given me...

Sometimes the things you resent the most & drag on just for the heck of it,
tends to give you experiences which will shape the person you are & you want to be...

We just need to keep our eyes & ears open, our brain alert for the welcome of these experiences...It is said that sometimes WORST CAN GET THE BEST OUT OF YOU, well right now this may not be the best but it is GREAT...

Revolutions change the HISTORY of the WORLD-for the BETTER- but Revolutions within yourself change every fiber of your being-for the BEST-...

Just have Faith that at the moment where ever you are, no matter how trivial it may seem be it your job, your housework, heck even where your standing it is because you're meant to be here at the moment & learn what others cant, Take the opportunities not only that come your way but also those that you can CREATE...

But always be careful not to hurt anyone in the process to get where you want to...
Because a WIN by stepping over someone's HEAD is as good as LOSING, you can be a Winner to the world then but only a SORE LOSER to YOURSELF...

Remember at the end of the day you answer to no one but to YOURSELF...

So have FAITH, BELIEVE in yourself & your GOD, Take a STEP, NEVER GIVE UP...

Days not WASTED but GAINED so much more...

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