
Life as it is...

We forget to take life as it is and instead try to mould life the way we want and feel it should be...

What we do forget is that greater hand above which is always at work and giving us the better and best but in its own time...

We need to remember to have patience and trust for then can we see the true miracles in our everyday life...

And that is,

Ourself :D

Afterall Faith along with Love can move Mountains...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


A great film, i still dont know how it didnt do well at the Box Office??

Nywys, it had a message that we all should have a Lakshya(AIM) in our lives & that once we have it we should ACHIEVE it...

Nice thought...We all can have aim's in our life Long Term or Short Term & i mean it Literally...

Supposingly, A child wakes up in the Morning & thinks that they have to go to School complete their Assignments, Study hard for exams is also a kind of Aim.

So in all we all have an aim in our life small or big...

We are often confused of what are aim is or should be- the BEST way to find that is to search yourself to see what it is you like to do other than being Lazying around of course *Rolls Eyes*.

Haha, thats how we get it...


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