
Life as it is...

We forget to take life as it is and instead try to mould life the way we want and feel it should be...

What we do forget is that greater hand above which is always at work and giving us the better and best but in its own time...

We need to remember to have patience and trust for then can we see the true miracles in our everyday life...

And that is,

Ourself :D

Afterall Faith along with Love can move Mountains...

Sunday, April 6, 2014


I have been having a good time lately, thanks to the job i have been enjoying immensely.  Being a trainer that too a Language trainer is not a easy task but its all worth it nevertheless.

I have started developing some political views or rather started being more politically aware as opposed to before.

I think i had mentioned in one of my last blogs something about being a responsible citizen/netizen, the reason why i am bringing this up is because just yesterday i saw an example of irresponsible citizen.

After office hours i was out shopping with my colleague/friend on FC Road, the hub of collegians and all things happening. Had a yummy special mix dry fruit kulfi and was hanging around while she was busy looking at some stuff.

Naturally i didn't want to throw the stick off on the road and was looking for proper disposal when i asked the shopkeeper of the shop we were at for a bin to which he nicely replied that i could throw the stick off on the road where the two wheeler's (scooter's) were parked. I just looked at him saying WHAT and he casually goes on to reply that "how to save some money its better to ask the maid to throw the trash on road rather than pay the sweeper to have it properly disposed." I just went on looking at him, not believing my ears and he just continues to say "Yeh rastaa hi humara kachre ka dabaa hai" (this road here is our dustbin). To which i sarcastically replied "yes why not, continue to make it dirty" and the nerve of him, he was ready to defend himself had i pursued the matter but chose not to.

I can't get this incident out of my mind. To most of you this might be a small matter, a trivial thing but for me getting a closer look on this collective psyche of my people was an eye opener.

There have been many programs, campaign's of awareness one of which includes Aamir Khan's Satyamev Jayate, which is an absolutely outstanding take and views on the nitty gritty of the country, which have raised awareness to some extent.

But all this is futile if people just want to go on the way they want, treating everyone and our beloved country as trash for which govt employees and resources are available to make do with it.

We all want change but choose nothing to do about it. If another does something we try to drag them down. Why this psyche?

Are there no morals in people even for something as small or big as this?? We say we were once a great nation and now nothing can be done to achieve it, but what if everyone of us strive to be great not in money or just our jobs but in our individual duties towards our city, our nation as well.

While in school we are told about our Fundamental Rights and Duties as a citizen, out of which we just retain our Fundamental Rights doing away with our Duties because maybe someone somewhere is there to fulfill that.

Collectively that's our perception/psyche/view. But there is no one anywhere if we have our Rights we have our Duties as well which is only our responsibility as a citizen. If we want something we must have the balls to work for it, towards it.

So in essence if we want our Country to be great we have to work for it, together, as the people of this Great Nation, where no one's common or ordinary we all are uncommon, extraordinary more than we ourselves realize.

It's not just the RIGHT Govt or Candidate which we need to Vote For, its also about bringing the RIGHT change in our Thoughts/ views/ psyche as an individual, as a citizen of OUR GREAT NATION.

Let me be the change i want to see in my Country.

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