
Life as it is...

We forget to take life as it is and instead try to mould life the way we want and feel it should be...

What we do forget is that greater hand above which is always at work and giving us the better and best but in its own time...

We need to remember to have patience and trust for then can we see the true miracles in our everyday life...

And that is,

Ourself :D

Afterall Faith along with Love can move Mountains...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Life as a Citizen...

We are aware that as citizens of a country we have certain duties & responsibilities which we should fulfil but how often do we do that??...

I mean come to think of it for a slightest error or misjudgement we happily put the blame on our govt & leave out any last traces of conscious thinking or taking of responsibilities in us.

I am not perfect & i do not say that i have not made errors in judgement. Just the other day there was news of increase in prices of diesel & the elimination of subsidiary 7th LPG cylinder onwards, what did i do??... Well the worst thing i could do was vent it all out on social media.

Great isn’t it without knowledge or research why it’s been done i just vent it, how very responsible of me *rolls eyes*. I mean if as citizens we certain duties or responsibilities the same goes for being netizens, right!!!

Sure there aren’t rules or constitutions laid out of for it but every rule or constitution depends on conscious thinking. And that is why i am writing this piece today so as to APOLOGISE for my inability for responsible networking.

As i discussed the same with my sister & she educated me on certain facets of the price hike ( as we tend to see on only 1 side of a situation) i realised that we all are somehow responsible for this.

Resources here are being underutilised because of some corrupt leader’s who fail to report or actually take some action for the under privileged, but we as citizens don’t care for the rules & regulations laid down for us as well.

It’s not always the govt, right!!! We as people should fulfil some responsibilities too.

I mean common as it’s very rightly said “ek haath se taali nahi bajti”, we have certain responsibilities towards our country & Mother Nature as well. I know that we all can’t afford to do something big but we can always start small. For example, we can start by not littering our society/bldg, the street, the city we live in. We can always try and do responsible networking. First know the cause of a decision then react.

As my dear sister rightly pointed out “ i hate the word common man. No man is common; every one of them is special”. I tend to agree with her that everyone of us is special, maybe we cannot bring by major changes as there many other people there for that but we can always start by bringing minor changes in us, our lives, after all “charity begins at home”.

So enjoy your lives as responsible citizens/netizens & take care.


Friday, September 7, 2012

Changing times...

I  have been thinking alot what to write or what not...

Just that this past year has been physically and emotionally moving, leaving your home of 24 yrs and leaving behind friends memories is not someone anyday can imagine would happen.

But yes change does happen whether we want it or not it comes, what we make of it, if we accept it or not is totally up to us...

Yes its been hard i gotta say, our move from DUBAI to Pune, freaking PUNE, INDIA...

And no its not that easy i mean come on there is a lot of comparison between everything, the people, the way of life and of course all the political n well other distinctly indian probs going on, you kinda miss the way of life back there...

There is a lot of debate n all but yes if u believe n atleast try everything will be fine eventually.

And now we are still adjusting but we have managed to build a life and still building it also enjoying every moment of it...

P.S: watching Supernatural 7 all the while now so please do excuse me for not so much of a good ending ;)... Ta...